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Cancel Reservation

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To cancel a reservation you must know the reservation number.

Enter the reservation number or select the reservation number from the dropdown list. Details of the reservation are displayed. At the bottom of the form, the question “Are you sure you want to cancel this reservation” will display. Select Yes or No. If you select Yes, and you have already received money on the reservation, you will receive this message:

Next, you will be prompted with the message:

If you answer No, the reservation will be canceled and no records will remain except for the client record.

If you answer Yes, you will be allowed to see the following form:

The cancellation date will default to “today”. Total deposit received will display. Enter the amount of deposit that will be kept (forfeited) and Lodge-ical™ will calculate the amount of deposit to be returned. Select a method of return payment and enter the reason for cancellation. Press OK. The amount of return deposit will be stored in Lodge-ical as a negative payment amount with a payment category equal to CXL REFUND.

Press the button labeled CANCEL if you want to undo the entire process. If you press CANCEL, the reservation will still be considered active.

ATTENTION: You CAN NOT reverse a cancellation.

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