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Components of the Lodge-ical database

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There are three main components of the Lodge-ical™ database.

Component #1 is named lodgecode8.accdr. This file contains all of the instructions and code that allow Lodge-ical™ to execute successfully. This includes data entry forms, queries, reports, and instructional code. This file is proprietary and belongs to Romeo Bravo Software.

Component #2 is named lodgedata8.accdb. This file contains all of the information that you enter into Lodge-ica™, including your client names and contact information, reservations, reservation details, dropdown box lookup options, and more. This file belongs to you and it is your responsibility to take care of it by backing up your data on a regular basis.

Component #3 is named LodgeAttachments.accdb. This file also contains data but contains the documents and photos that you store for each of your clients and employees. This file belongs to you and it is your responsibility to take care of it by backing up your data on a regular basis.

ATTENTION: If your computer crashes for any reason, Romeo Bravo Software can help you restore your version of Lodge-ical™, but you MUST have the most recent back-up copy of your data file.

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