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Employee Set Up

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Add/Edit Employees

Choose Add/Edit Employees from the Employees menu. The data entry form is illustrated below and further defined:


First Name – the first name of the employee

Middle Initial – the middle initial of the employee (you can include a period if appropriate, i.e. “J.”)

Last Name – the last name of the employee

Employee Type – select from a list of employee functions. You can maintain the list of interest levels via the Employee Types menu pick (Maintenance menu).

Social Security Number – the employee’s social security number

Title – employee’s job title Calendar Priority – enter a number into this field. This allows you to view employees on an employee calendar in order of priority.

Address 1 – the first line of the address

Address 2 – the second line of the address

City – the employee’s city. You can leave this field blank if you use the automatic zip code lookup feature.

State – select the state or province code from the dropdown. You can maintain the list of state and province codes via the Maintenance menu (States menu pick). You can leave this field blank if you use the automatic zip code look features.

Zip Code – the employee’s zip code or postal code (up to 9 digits). Upon entering a United States zip code, the system will automatically retrieve the primary city name and 2 character state abbreviation. In some cases there are more than one city that is relevant (a primary and secondary city). In this case, you can use the dropdown arrow on the City field to select the secondary city.

Email address – the employee’s email address

Phone #1– Employee’s primary phone number

Phone #2– Employee’s secondary phone number

Other Notes – additional employee notes

No Longer Employed – check this box to inactivate an employee

Additional Features

  • Go direct to an employee’s account of purchases via the PURCHASES button (additional detail provided below).
  • Send an email to all employees via the BLAST EMAIL button (note: this feature will work with Microsoft Outlook/Express only).
  • View a list of all Active Employees via the EMPLOYEE LIST button.
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