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Horse Assignment Data Entry

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Assigning a Horse

All horses are assigned using the HORSES button accessed via the Reservation Entry form. Any changes made to the form below will immediately change the horse calendar.

Individual fields are defined below:

Reservation # – the reservation number appearing here is a “read-only” field for information only.

Start Date – the first date of horse assignment.

End Date – the last date of the horse assignment.

ATTENTION: The Start/End date is based upon a setting within System Defaults. Go to Maintenance/Business Information/System Defaults. You will see a field labeled “Schedule Activities on Arrival Date”. If this checkbox is checked, then the Start Date will match the arrival date. If the field is not checked, then the Start Date will be Arrival Date + 1. You will see a field labeled “Schedule Activities on Departure Date”. If this checkbox is checked, then the End Date will match the departure date. If the field is not checked, then the End Date will be Departure Date – 1. You can change either of these date as needed.

Horse – select the Horse from the dropdown. This dropdown will show you a list of “active” horses.

Guest Name – select the Guest Name from the dropdown. Names displayed here are based upon the clients who were chosen beneath the GUEST LINK button on the Reservation Entry form.

Saddle – enter the saddle number if desired. This field is not required.

Location – Select the location (i.e. Trail Name/Trail Number) from the dropdown. This dropdown will show you a list of Activity Locations as set up via Maintenance/Activity Planner/Activity Locations.

Notes – enter any other notes pertinent to the particular horse assignment.

When your data entry is done, press the command button labeled, “Book Horse”, to confirm the horse assignment. When you press this button, you may receive following message:

  • This horse is already booked by the #name# reservation. Continue?

ATTENTION: This message is a warning only. We recommend that you press No to continue so that you can review the overbooking and determine which booking is correct.

The horses that you just booked will now appear as a grid at the bottom of the form. This “grid” is more than a “display only” window.

You may a) change the location for a particular assignment, b) enter the number of hours for the ride,and/or c) add a note to a specific date.

USER TIP: You cannot modify the columns labeled “Date”, “Horse”, “Name”, or “Saddle”. If any of this information needs to be modified, you must delete the horse assignment and re-book. In order to delete horse assignments, select the records at the bottom of the form. To do that, single click the left hand gray margin on one or more rows you with to remove and press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

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