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Horse Assignment Reports and Calendars
Horse Reports and Calendars
All reports are found via Horses/Horse Reports. You will see the following menu:
Horse Assignments by Reservation
This report will show you all assigned horses sorted by reservation. This report is helpful to the wranglers as the report is easy to read and organized to accommodate your guest/horse assignments. Enter a date range which corresponds to the reservation arrival date.
Horse Usage
This report will show you all horses that were ridden during a particular date range. You can use this report to print out a list of daily horses or you can print reports periodically throughout your season. You can choose to print either a summary report which will show you all horses and the total number of days or a detailed report which will show you the actual days ridden and the guest’s name.
Horse Usage by Location
This report will show you all horses that were ridden during a particular date range and further sorted by Location. You can use this report to print out a list of daily horses or you can print reports periodically throughout your season. You can choose to print either a summary report which will show you all horses and the total number of days or a detailed report which will show you the actual days ridden and the guest name.
Based on the horse assignments entered, below is a horse calendar snippet (Calendars/Horse Calendar):