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Inventory Setup

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Inventory Categories

Although Lodge-ical segregates inventory between store and bar, there is another level of sorting called Inventory Categories. Inventory Categories are used when sorting forms and reports. Select Maintenance/Inventory/Inventory Categories

Fields are defined below:

Name – enter the name of the inventory category

Category – select “B” for Bar Inventory or “S” for Store Inventory

Tax 1% – enter the sales tax percentage, if applicable. The number entered here should be a whole number.

Tax 2% – enter the sales tax percentage, if applicable. The number entered here should be a whole number.

Svce Chg Gratuity % – enter the service charge/gratuity percentage, if applicable. The number entered here should be a whole number.

Employee Discount % – enter the employee discount percentage, keeping in mind that this number works in conjunction with the

Discount Calculation Method. The number entered here should be a whole number. Discount Calculation Method – select “M” for “Retail Minus Discount” and “P” for “Cost Plus Discount”.

USER TIP: Here are two examples to further explain the employee discounting methods. If you give your employees a 40% discount for anything purchased in the store, you will enter 50 in Employee Discount % and an “M” in the Calculation Method. If you give your employees a “cost plus 10%” price break, then you will enter 10 in the Employee Discount % and a “P” in the Calculation Method field. Anytime you enter an employee purchases, Lodge-ical will automatically calculate the appropriate discounted price.

Bar Inventory

The Lodge-ical bar inventory is to be used for any beverage (or food) item that your guests purchase for an additional charge. Items entered into your bar inventory and purchased by your guests during their stay will appear on their Final Bill.

Select Maintenance/Inventory/Bar Inventory/Bar Inventory

Fields are defined below:

Type – select from a list of bar inventory categories

Item # – enter a unique item number. Item numbers are alphanumeric and can be as detailed as a PLU number, a catalog number or as simple as a short description. The value you enter here will be used when you select an item on the purchase form.

Description – enter the item description. The description entered here will display on guest correspondence.

Cost – enter the wholesale cost

Retail Price – enter the retail price

Beg Qty – enter the beginning quantity

Receipts – as inventory is received, this column will automatically calculate. This field is read-only

Sales – as inventory is purchased, this column will automatically calculate. This field is read-only

On Hand – the formula: beg qty + receipts – sales

On Order – the number of items on order, this column will automatically calculate. This field is read-only

Avail. – the formula: on hand – on order

Comm. % – enter an integer representing a sales commission if you have an employee commission program in place

Inactive Yes/No – check the box if the item is no longer available for sale. You can exclude inactive items from the inventory report.

USER TIP: For beverages that are purchased “by the case” but sold “by the bottle/can” should be entered as individual units. A purchased case of beer should be entered into Lodge-ical with a quantity = 24.

Store Inventory

The Lodge-ical store inventory is to be used for any merchandise found in your onsite store.

Select Maintenance/Inventory/Store Inventory/Store Inventory

Fields are defined below:

Type – select from a list of bar inventory categories

Item # – enter a unique item number. Item numbers are alphanumeric and can be as detailed as a PLU number, a catalog number, or as simple as a short description. The value you enter here will be used when you select an item on the purchase form.

RECOMMENDATION: Before doing any data entry, take some time to determine how detailed/general you want to be. Determine what system you will use to identify your inventory. If your store contains a small amount of inventory, you can literally set up item numbers to be generic such as “t-shirt, hat”, etc.

Description – enter the item description. The description entered here will display on guest correspondence.

Vendor – enter the vendor name. This field is informational only but will help when re-ordering.

Size – enter the size here. This field is informational and is typically used if you are using a catalog number as your item number.

Color – enter the color here. This field is informational and is typically used if you are using a catalog number as your item number.

USER TIP: If you are categorizing your inventory down to the size/color detail, all items must be labeled with the correct item number to keep your inventory records accurate.

Cost – enter the wholesale cost

Retail Price – enter the retail price

Beg Qty – enter the beginning quantity. This number should truly represent the quantity required to start your season. Midseason inventory orders are described later.

Receipts – as inventory is received, this column will automatically calculate. This field is read-only

Sales – as inventory is purchased, this column will automatically calculate. This field is read-only

On Hand – the formula: beg qty + receipts – sales

On Order – the number of items on order, this column will automatically calculate. This field is read-only

Avail. – the formula: on hand – on order

Comm. % – enter an integer representing a sales commission if you have an employee commission program in place

Allow Freeform – check the box if you would like to override an inventory description at the time of purchase (this is a helpful feature if you care to record a miscellaneous purchase)

Inactive Yes/No – check the box if the item is no longer available for sale. You can exclude inactive items from the inventory report.

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