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Managerial Reports – Reports
Activity Statistics – at the end of your season you may want a breakdown of all scheduled activities. The date range selected corresponds to the activity date. You can select Summary to show only the activity, the number of days, number of guests, and number of employees scheduled. Select Detail to show the individual reservations making up each activity.
Birthday List – if you are using the Date of Birth field in the Clients module, you can view a list of birthdays based on your selected months.
Comparisons – this report will compare two dates in time. This is a good report to run during your booking season to determine how well you are doing compared to last year. You will be asked to enter eight dates. In addition to entering a date range that corresponds to the reservation received date (booking date), you will also enter a date range that corresponds to the reservation arrival date.
Daily Arrivals and Departures – based upon the date range you enter, this report will show a daily tally of the number of guests arriving and the number of guests departing.
Employee Inquiries and Reservations – this report is relevant if you use the Staff Contact dropdown on the Client entry form and/or the Enter By dropdown on the Reservation entry form. This date range that you enter relates to a) the Entry date on the Client entry form and b) the Received date on the Reservation entry form.
Employee Scheduling Statistics – this report is relevant if you assign employees to activities. The date range relates to the activity date. You can choose to show either summary or detailed data. This report will show all assigned employees, the number of days, the number of guests, and the number of request days.
Management Statistics – based on the date range you enter, this report will display the following: number of new clients, number of reservations booked, number of reservations cancelled, number of reservations, reservation income, number of guests (based on the number of guests you enter on the reservation entry form), average cost per guest, number of guest nights, and average cost per guest night.
Nightly Occupancy – based on the date range you enter, this report will display the following sorted in date order: date, weekday, month, day, year, and the number of bed nights. This report is based upon information that you enter into the room assignment module. Occupancy Statistics – this report will show you the following: a) the occupancy percentage if you are using the room assignment module, b) statistics based on a guest’s length of stay, c) statistics base don number of people in a reservation, and d) general statistics pertaining to reservation costs. The date range you select relates to the reservation arrival date.
Occupancy Statistics – based on the date range you enter, this report will show you occupancy statistics based upon room occupancy and pillow count. The underlying information is based on data that is entered into the Maintenance section of Lodge-ical™ and data entered into the room assignment module. Additionally, this report will show you statistics based upon length stay and number of people in a reservation.
Referral Source Analysis – this report shows you the relationship between the number of inquiries vs. the amount of reservation income vs. the expense of each referral source.
Region Statistics – this report will show you the number of new inquiries and the amount of reservation income you are earning split into regions. You can customize the state to region relationship via the Maintenance menu.
Resource Statistics – resources can be assigned to any activity. Examples of resources could include horses, vehicles, canoes, etc. At the end of your season, you can analyze how many resources were required. The date range selected corresponds to the activity date. You can select a Summary to show only the resource and the number of scheduled days. Select Detail to show the individual reservations requiring each resource.
State by State Statistics – this report will show you the quantity of new inquiries and the amount of reservation income you are earning split into state codes (all state codes set up via Maintenance/States will appear on this report, this includes Canadian provinces if you use the standard 2-character code). You can customize the state to region relationship via the Maintenance menu.
Visit Report – this report shows you the number of times a guest has been to your business. Those guests with the most amount of visits appear first