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Reservation Quote Module – Document
Reservation Quote Display
Select the Reservation Quote menu pick from the Reservations menu to enter/edit/confirm a quote. This entry grid will show you all of your outstanding quotes and the number of outstanding days. Days Outstanding is calculated based upon the date the quote was entered.
There are three command buttons:
CONFIRM – press this button to convert a quote into a booked reservation. You will now see the quote on the standard reservation form. There is no way to reverse the process. Instead you must cancel the booked reservation and re-enter the quote. When you press this button, the “Date Received” field change to the current date to represent the date the quote was converted to a reservation. This button appears to the right of each quote.
New Quote – press this button to enter a new quote (further defined below).
Close – press this button to close the form
Other Notes:
- To edit a quote, double-click the client name to open up the Reservation Quote entry form.
- To cancel a quote, you must use the standard Cancel Reservation form
- Any quote that is cancelled will be assigned a status = “M”. “M” designates Missed Business and is treated differently than a reservation cancellation.
- To enter a new quote, you must have the prospect entered as a client (Clients/Client Entry)
- Room assignments are not applicable to reservation quotes.
- Go to Maintenance/Correspondence Types and enter a correspondence type equal to “Quote Confirmation”.
- Go to Maintenance/Custom Paragraphs to enter text into your Quote Confirmation. Press the NEW button, select Report Name = Quote Confirmation. Enter the text for opening and closing paragraphs.
Reporting Notes:
- This module is accompanied by a Quote Confirmation. To add/edit/delete paragraphs from the Quote confirmation, go to Maintenance/Custom Paragraphs to set up your opening and closing paragraphs.
- Reservation Reports – the following reports will EXCLUDE all Reservation Quotes: Reservations – Pending vs. Confirmed, Reservation Summary Listing, and Reservation Detail Listing.
- Managerial Reports – Revenue Tracker – use this report to differentiate between business that is completed (a reservation with a zero balance due), definite (a reservation with money received), tentative (a reservation without any money received or a quote that is upcoming but that has not been confirmed), missed (a cancelled quote), or cancelled (a cancelled reservation).
Enter/Edit Reservation Quote
To enter a new quote, open up the outstanding quote grid and press the New Quote button.
This form is almost identical to the standard Reservation Entry form. Some of the rules of a standard reservation apply to this form as well:
- Reservation Type – any reservation types set up in the Meal and Activity Defaults area (Maintenance) will apply here and upon saving the quote, activities will be written to the activity log.
- Arrival and Departure Meal – enter the first and last meal and the relevant meals and activities will be written to the activity log (based upon the setup in Meal and Activity Defaults).
- Save the quote to calculate the taxes and deposit required.
- Press the DETAILS button to override the deposit required, taxes and/or fees.
- The activities entered as part of the quote will appear on the Quote Confirmation.
- Press the PRINT button to print the Quote Confirmation.
- If you own the Reservation Cloning module, you will be able to clone a reservation quote (use the COPY button).
Please review documentation for the Reservations module for further details