The Many Hats of an Adventure Recreation Guide
How does guide software make a difference? It’s all about making the complex simple. And the job of a guide is indeed complex.
To be a great guide, one has to be good at many things all at once. For one, a guide must be a stickler for safety. Clients don’t have all the knowledge and experience necessary to take every precaution thoughtfully. Guides make safe hunts possible.
A guide must also be a willing teacher. They have to be able to assess the skill and experience of their clients accurately while providing the level of information their clients need. They also need to have intimate knowledge of the ground they cover. This requires lots of time in the field. Even on familiar terrain, weather conditions and animal behavior can vary. These factors impact safety as well because clients will need to be taught safe hunting behaviors.
Another indicator of a great guide is their attention to detail and trip planning. Clients have preferences. Guides work with administrative staff to plan and execute trips according to those preferences. Attention to detail makes clients feel valued, and those clients are more likely to become repeat guests.
How Guide Software Simplifies a Complex Job
The genesis of any trip happens when a guide is assigned within their schedule. Careful management goes into any assignment schedule. Like any administrative task, guide scheduling has seen software enhancements over the past few years. Web-based tools in particular have allowed guides and administrators to share availability and accept trip assignments remotely, even from a mobile device.
Guidepointer is a web-based software designed specifically for guides and outfitters. With Guidepointer, guides can access guide schedule calendars from anywhere, at any time. They can provide up-to-the-minute updates to their availability, which is especially useful during peak seasons. These programs can also connect with client-facing online booking systems.
In advance of a trip, trip updates can be delivered directly to guides. They are able to review the details of any trip without having to call the shop to get more information. This level and speed of communication are transformative.
Clients value flexibility. Better communication allows for greater flexibility with fewer headaches. For lodges who want to serve their guides and their clients better, there is software that can make a difference. Don’t wait to research what guide software is available and level up your operation.